文章连贯性 Coherence
Repetition of a Key Term or Phrase(重复关键词或片语)
The problem with contemporary art is that it is not easily understood by most people. Contemporary art is deliberately abstract, and that means it leaves the viewer wondering what she is looking at.
同义字 Synonyms
同义字是实质上具有相同意涵的语词,他们提供你多样化的文字选择,还帮助读者把注意力放在被讨论的重点idea being discussed
Myths narrate sacred histories and explain sacred origins. These traditional narratives are, in short, a set of beliefs that are a very real force in the lives of the people who tell them.
代名词 Pronouns
This, that, these, those, he, she, it, they, and we是很有用的代名词,用以指涉先前提到的东西。然而要注意,你所指涉的东西要很明确。
When scientific experiments do not work out as expected, they are often considered failures until some other scientist tries them again. Those that work out better the second time around are the ones that promise the most rewards.
转折语Transitional Words
在英文中有许多语词是给读者提示句子间的关係,还有连结句子的作用。你将会发现以下的语词都是转折语:however, therefore, in addition, also, but, moreover等。
I like autumn, and yet autumn is a sad time of the year, too. The leaves turn bright shades of red and the weather is mild, but I can't help thinking ahead to the winter and the ice storms that will surely blow through here. In addition, that will be the season of chapped faces, too many layers of clothes to put on, and days when I'll have to shovel heaps of snow from my car's windshield.
句子的形式Sentence Patterns
(from a speech by President John F. Kennedy) And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.